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Ist War Cementeries

Even during the Ist World War, Austrians in memory of soldiers who died in the fighting, began to build a war cemeteries. The dead were buried, regardless of which side they fought.

At  Beskid Niski area were founded more than 100 war cemeteries, buried there next to each other Austrian, German, Russian, Slovak, Polish and Hungarian soldiers. Dusan Jurkowic and Hans Mayr are the main architects and disigners of thoese cemeteries.

Until today, retains many of such constructions. Many of the cemeteries are scattered throughout the mountains and fell into destruction and oblivion. But some of them are being slowly renovated by many organizations like the Association of Magurycz from Nowica. The most famous cemeteries are located on the hill Rotunda, the pass Beskidek and Magura Małastowska.

Małastowska PassMałastowska Pass
Konieczna old post cardKonieczna old post card
Gladyszow old post cardGladyszow old post card
Rotunda old post cardRotunda old post card
Regietow old post cardRegietow old post card
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