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Rooms in the Oak Deep Rest House

Rooms in the Oak Deep Rest House

The Oak Deep Rest House offers 12 beds in 2 and 3 rooms. It is possible to add extra portable beds.
surroundings of Oak Deep RH

surroundings of Oak Deep RH

Here you can find the pictures of surroundings of the Oak Deep Rest House: buildings, playground for children, grill house and fireplace, beginning of the educational path and many others...
Snow tubing

Snow tubing

Mainly for the youngest, but not only, we prepared the snow lane to race on snow tubes down the hill. Whether you’ve never touched skis or a snowboard, or just want to try something different, snow tubing is a great activity in winter for all ages.
Educational path

Educational path

By wooded areas of the Oak Deep reat house leads, marked educational path more than 1 km long. Wandering along the ravine you can enjoy the local wildlife.
Playground for children

Playground for children

In the Oak Deep rest house we've prepared playground for the children.
Beskid Niski mountains

Beskid Niski mountains

Beskid Niski mauntains are the lowest in the Carpathian mountains range with beautiful valleys and mostly forested peaks. A few populated area makes the land to have an abundance of flora and specific nature. Climate of the moutains complements the charming Chapels and roadside Crosses. I hope that the posted photos will introduce the specific climate.
Cross-country skiing route

Cross-country skiing route

Fou our guests we set the route for cross-country skiing in the teritory of the Oak Deep Rest House. Tourism and recreation route leads through meadows and forested areas.
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